Sunshine kids academy International Preschool & Kindergarten in Shintomicho / Tsukiji / Ginza / and Shin-Urayasu. 新富町・築地・銀座・新浦安にあるサンシャインキッズアカデミーインターナショナルプリスクール&キンダーガーテン。

Sunshine Kids Academy is pleased to announce a scholarship program for all our students. Applicants who agree to the following terms and conditions are eligible.
Eligibility Requirements
Must attend 5 days a week.
Must attend for 1 full school year.
Permission to post your child’s photo or video on SNS and other promotional materials.
Important Information
This program is for children attending Sunshine Kids Academy for at least one year. If a child withdraws within the year, the family must repay the discounted amount for the attended semesters.
If a child enrolls in the middle of a term, tuition will be calculated on a monthly basis, and the discount will not be applied. The scholarship discount will be applied to the tuition fee on the invoice for the following semester.
Please note that other discounts (sibling discount, etc.) do not apply to scholarship students.