Our Winter School program is a great way to spend and learn more about the seasonal activities that happened during the winter.

This Winter, our students learned about the way of life in the winter, the festivities, and the life of the people at the North Pole. This correlates to the theme of our Winter School this year entitled “The Polar Express” for our students to not only celebrate the festivities of the season but also to appreciate and learn more about the festive holiday seasons.
This year’s Winter School is a bit different than our previous ones as we had 3 weeks’ time to spend the holiday season with our students.

In the first week, the students learned about the trains that are used to travel to the North Pole and they traveled to explore the Winter Landscapes. Our students also had a mini field trip to explore the winter animals in the aquarium.
During the second week, our students visited Santa Claus’ home and his own workshop. They learn geographically where the North Pole is located whilst also helping the Elves with the gifts for the children around the world. They also learn crafting skills from Santa himself.
For our last week of winter school, we share all of the love together with our students by creating cards and making cookies together. It is a perfect way to end the festive holiday season.
Should you wish to visit our Seasonal School, kindly please check our website.
